Often this is one of the most overlooked stages of pregnancy. Aside from the morning sickness, nobody every talks about it. At least not in great detail.
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Here's the complete guide on what to expect during your first trimester, from things you should do, and things to start avoiding.
Things to do in the First Trimester
The first trimester is probably one of the least favorite among pregnant women, but it won't last! Here are a few things you should do in the first trimester to make the most of it:
- Grab some awesome pregnancy freebies for you and your baby
- Start brainstorming names for boys and girls
- Start drinking more water
- Buy some cocoa butter lotion to help prevent stretch marks
- Schedule your first pregnancy appointment with your OBGYN
- Start taking weekly pregnancy photos (optional)
- Decide on when to tell all your family
- Take your prenatal vitamin at night if you can't keep it down.
- Create a baby registry at Amazon
- Prepare for morning sickness and nausea (these Preggie pops were life savers for morning sickness)
- Start purchasing some maternity clothes, that bump is coming!
- Think up a fun baby bump nickname.
Things to avoid during the first trimester and beyond
- Avoid eating deli meat unless it's been cooked first
- Don't clean cat litter boxes, because litter boxes can have a bacteria that can harm your unborn baby.
- Stop drinking alcohol and smoking as these can cause severe health problems to your unborn baby.
First Trimester FAQ
If you are pregnant, but have not yet started experiencing morning sickness, you might want to know when it's supposed to start.
According to the American Pregnancy Association, morning sickness will usually rear it's ugly head around 6 weeks of pregnancy, and ends around 12 weeks.
It's important to note though that this is not always the case, because some women (myself included) experience hyperemesis gravidarum, which is an extreme version of "morning sickness" that can last the entire pregnancy.
During the first trimester, you will also experience a lot of bloating. This is caused by those fluctuating hormones of pregnancy.
While some women show early on, if this is your first pregancy, it's most likely bloating.
To help with this bloating, start drinking more water.
Some women have a pregnancy bump that developes quicker than others. Usually it's because one of these reasons:
-Not their first baby
-Carrying Twins
When you are on your 2nd or more pregnancy, your body might start showing quicker than your first. Also, if you are carrying twins, or multiples, you will also show sooner.
Another common complaint for pregnant moms during the first trimester and on is forgetfulness. You might seemed scattered-brained, or not as sharp mentally.
Speaking from experience, this one thing I was always surprised about!
First trimester fatigue is another symptom of the first trimester that is annoying to say the least.
Typically, when you reach the second trimester, this fatigue will let up.
For now though, try to take naps when you can and eat healthy, energy-rich meals.
First Trimester & First OBGYN appointment
The first trimester will be a lot of firsts, including your first pregnancy appointment with your OBGYN. Depending on your circumstances, they might want to see you around 8-10 weeks pregnant.
Appointments always seem to be scarce in the beginning so I always recommend that after your positive pregnancy test, you should make an appointment right away.
One of the great things about this first appointment is that they will typically do a transvaginal ultrasound, so you can see baby! It's awkward, but awesome to see your baby for the first time.
Your doctor will also go over some things to avoid during pregnancy, and discuss any risk factors that may put you into a high risk pregnancy.
Then, you will get an appointment in usually another month, depending on your circumstances, and then some blood work.
First Trimester Concerns
Pregnancy is an exciting time, but sometimes there is cause for concern.
If you experience any of the following, call your OBGYN and discuss it with them:
- bleeding
- excess vomiting (20-30 times a day)
- can't hold water down
- can't hold any food down
It's important to always be on the safe side, so don't feel like you are bothering your doctor. It's their job!
First trimester miscarriage
Some women experience miscarriages in the first trimester. As devastating as this can be, coping with miscarriage is still not talked about enough.
Please remember that if you experienced a miscarriage, you are not alone. Many people, myself included, have gone through this more times than we like to admit.
Thanks for stopping by! If you enjoyed reading, please remember to pin this to your pregnancy board. Happy pregnancy!!
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