Sore nipples are an early sign of pregnancy, but not the only change your breasts will go through. Here's what to expect if this is your first time being pregnant!
If you have any concerns about any sudden changes, make sure to discuss with your OBGYN.
7 Pregnancy Breast Changes
1. Sore Nipples
Sore nipples is one of the earliest changes your body will go through, and a sign that your body is preparing for baby.
2.Breast pain
You can thank those changing hormone levels for this one. It helps increase your blood supply to your breasts but this swelling can feel painful with the increase in pressure.
This is why you should invest in a comfortable maternity bra.
3. Leaking colostrum
This will usually happen in the third trimester if it happens at all. Place a disposable breast pad in your bra to prevent any staining.
4. They grow
Throughout your pregnancy, you will start to notice your breasts getting larger. This is partially because of the hormones in your body, and also your body starting to create milk.
5. They itch
A lot of moms also experience itching. As your breasts are growing rapidly, your skin is being stretched which can feel like itching.
6. Stretch Marks
Everyone talks about the stretch marks in your stomach during pregnancy, but that's not the only location you will get stretch marks. Your breasts can be another area you might start noticing them.
Related: best stretch mark cream for pregnancy
7. Areola gets darker
Another common change during pregnancy is that your areolas get darker. Again you can chalk this up to all the hormones that are changing in your body!
What breast changes would be concerning?
It's important to ask questions, your OBGYN is there to answer things and help guide you through your pregnancy journey.
Here's a few breast changes you should talk with your OBGYN about:
- scaly skin
- bloody discharge from your nipples
- dimples in skin around breast
- asymmetry, while a lot of women have a slight difference in breast sizes, if you start noticing a huge difference in size of one breast over the other, talk to your OBGYN right away.
More Pregnancy FAQ
It might be sore all over, but your nipples will be especially tender. This is why many pregnant women opt for a maternity bra without an underwire.
This happens in your first trimester. As they grow during your pregnancy, it helps to have proper support fro a bra without an underwire.
During pregnancy your areola around your nipple can start to look darker. Some women also notice it gets larger during their pregnancy.
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