When you become a new mom, everyone will shower you with lots of love as well as advice.
Here is the best and most meaningful advice for new moms that you wouldn't hear at a baby shower.

It's advice that these moms wished they would have listened to when they first became a mom.
Also, it is advice for new moms on what they wished someone would have told them. Sit back, relax and enjoy!
Advice from other moms
Victoria is a mom blogger at www.modernhomesteadmama.com where she writes about motherhood, homesteading, food, DIY, homemaking, and lots more! Here's her advice for new moms:
- As soon as I revealed my pregnancy, I was bombarded with opinions and advice from everyone I knew. The phrase I heard the most was "It's so hard, make sure you prepare. You'll never be the same again."
- Anyone that knows me will tell you, I was prepared. Organization is my middle name. I had every baby product set up, clothes neatly organized by size, a written birth plan, a daily schedule written out and hung on the wall, the whole nine yards. I was more than prepared, physically. What I didn't understand was how much I would change.
- I knew having my son would be a life-changing event. I understood the words "it changes you". But I just didn't fully grasp what that really meant. It's not the late night feedings, diaper changes, or lack of sleep that make it hard. It's grappling with emotions and hormones that are out of your control.
- It's battling guilt when you realize you're not the picture-perfect parent you always thought you'd be. It's feeling the gravity of your role as the most important woman in your child's life. It's an indescribable love that you can't explain. It's realizing that you're just not the same person anymore, and you never will be.
- Becoming a mother is a positive transformation. But that doesn't mean you won't reflect and wonder how in the world you can do such a 180 without trying. It's beautiful, and it's arguably the most important role you'll ever have. But it is, without a doubt, hard. And there's no way to truly prepare for it.
Leanne is a mom blogger at www.spoiledmilkclub.com where she writes about parenting, baby must-haves, mom lifestyle, and so much more! Here's her advice for new moms:
- Advice I wish I would have known for when I became a mother is that every bit of information I read about or learned from seasoned moms kind of go out the window. I wish I wouldn’t have scared myself so badly about having to know everything about motherhood because when your baby comes, you just get this mom instinct and you roll with it. It’s not a one size fits all experience. There’s no two babies the same, no two mothers the same. You and your baby just figure each other out, sometimes by trial and error and other times you’re just in sync. No one will know your baby like you do so you take advice politely but you always follow your own intuition and you listen to your mom gut.
- Advice I did get was to soak it all up and enjoy every moment because the days are long and years are short. You listen to that advice. But you really have no idea how fast the time actually goes. Laugh dileriously on the sleepless nights. Stay in your pajamas and enjoy cuddles with your baby all day long if you feel like it. At about 5 months my baby turned not so cuddly anymore and ready to explore. Had I known the time of just holding him in my arms, staring at him and snuggling him would be so short, I would have left the mess and cuddled more.
- Advice I wish I had gotten is to just relax. We feel so guilty just relaxing. We think we need to bounce back after our body went through so much and we just went through so much emotionally and add exhaustion to that. There’s a reason other parts of the world use sleep deprivation as torture!!!! Exhaustion is real! Why do we feel like we need to try bouncing back right away? We don’t need to lose all the baby weight in 3 months we don’t need to get dressed, have a neat house or cooked meals right from coming home with a new baby. I wish I would have listened when people told me to relax. Because I don’t know any other time in your life you’re more deserving of it or will ever have a valid excuse to just chill.
Rose is a mom blogger at www.rosebarnett.com where she writes a lot about motivation, organizing your life, and also some ideas for work at home moms. Here's her advice for new moms:
- Motherhood is such a growing process that it's hard for older moms to relate because they have changed so much. Because of that it's easy to feel alone or get cliched advice. I know we are all growing, however, I do still wish I knew a few things right from the beginning, the very things I teach about now:
- To learn to manage my time better. For instance, getting up early, before kids, was going to be key for getting things done.
- To have regular time to myself, away from the kids, so I can recharge, especially being a sahm.
- To grasp that I was chosen for my kids and they for me and there is a grand purpose for that. I didn't have to stress about what the so-called experts said. As long as I'm seeking God daily, whatever decision I think is right for my family is the perfect plan.
Another mom named Janita shared this:
When I was pregnant with my son there were a few pieces of advice I wish I would of followed!
- Don’t hold the baby all of the time, put him down and do something for yourself! I never followed this advice and constantly held my son. Eventually, he couldn’t sleep, or entertain himself unless I was holding him. It became very difficult for me, and I couldn’t get much done! I’ve done things much differently with my daughter!
- Go out with your baby! It may be scary as a new mom, leaving the comfort of your home, going for coffee or a dinner date but it is definitely needed! It’s not healthy to be cooped up in your house everyday. It’ll get easier changing/ feeding the baby in public as you go.
- Don’t worry about the small things, your baby will get sick, he’ll cry, you’ll cry, there will be bumps and bruises. Just do your best and raise your babies however you feel is best! Always remember, you know what’s best for your babies and your health is just as important as theirs!
Another mom named Taylor shared:
- As a new mom you can get so overwhelmed with what you THINK you need. There are so many baby essentials out there that advertise their products so well that you feel like you just gotta have it! I suggest & learned to go minimal. Get the bare essentials like diapers, wipes, and basic clothing (NB to 0-3M). No need to waste your money on the other things. I would really just wait till baby arrives and see what they need from there.
- Every baby is different so you just have to learn your baby’s needs. Keep it simple and all will go well and make things a lot easier. All your baby really truly needs is love, snuggles, care and safety when they first arrive into this world. Best wishes to all you new moms.
Aurdrey, a mom blogger from mommy enlightened shares this:
- As a new mom, I wish I wouldn't have isolated myself so much. I was so concerned that my baby would get sick if I brought her around people (she was born during prime RSV season), but it really took a toll on my mental health. Like many other moms, I suffered with postpartum depression and it took a long time to start feeling normal again.
- I also struggle with asking for help, and so I tried to do it all on my own.The first few weeks with a newborn are a blur, as you are dealing with so much change--no one should do it alone. I wish I would have reached out to the people who care about me, even if that just meant some time sitting at my house with a friend. There is a reason people say it takes a village to raise a baby. People will offer to help--take it!!
More Helpful advice for new moms
It's hard to follow these ladies, because they pretty much nailed all the advice for new moms. Here's my little tidbit:
- Don't compare yourself to anyone. Easier said then done, I know. Instead embrace the things that make you different and know that no matter what, you are the best mom for your child.
- Also, remember to take time for yourself. As moms, we put everybody before ourself, but sometimes we need to spend a little me time just to recuperate.
- Never, EVER judge other moms. Mom shaming is the worst and hurts everyone, so just don't do it.
- Lastly, it's okay to feel overwhelmed. Being a new mom is hard. Take a deep breath and know that it will get better. Find a mom podcast that will help you feel seen.
- If you are a stay at home mom, make sure to have hobbies and activities you can do on your own. It's a must for staying sane as a stay at home mom!
Do you have a piece of advice you wish you would have heard as a new mom? Chime in and leave a comment below!
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