The reality of mom shaming is: we all do it. Rather we are silently judging or vocally, it is wrong.
We live in a society where everyone expects us to be the perfect person/mom/wife and if we can't live up to those expectations we are persecuted.

Moms are the worst.
Even though we have all gone through some of the same trials, we still judge others as if we have no faults of our own.
I think the main problem for this is that we see a snapshot of a person, but we don't know the back story.
Ending Mom Shaming
It is easy to look at a mom with kids who are running rampant or throwing a fit in the store, and think: couldn't she quiet them?
What we didn't see is the back story, that maybe it is nap time so the kids are fussy.
Instead of the glares, send her a silent piece of encouragement. It is never fun being the one getting glared at.
This is how we can end mom shaming once and for all.
Ending mom shaming will definitely take time, but it is important to stop. It's easy to roll your eyes at someone, but our world needs more positivity and a heck of a lot less mom shaming.
Mom Shaming Game of Comparison
What is the biggest comparison you have ever heard in relation to moms?
Well, that would be stay at home moms and working moms.
While each mom made a decision to do what is best for their family, there is still the residual mom shaming that happens.
Why? Well, I think it has to do with the fact that as humans we try to justify our decision and in turn we are shaming other moms.
Let me end the debate over this right now...every mom (both working and stay at home) is important.
Don't ever let anyone make you feel any differently. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.
There is absolutely NO mom shaming! It just gives you a small look at what we stay at home moms would like the world to know.
My Personal Story of Mom Shaming
One time I was shopping with my husband and my kids, and there was a lady who circled me twice to give me a dirty look.
Why? Well, I am guessing because I didn't put shoes on my 2 year old daughter.
If you took a snapshot of the situation it would look like I didn't care.
The backstory was that I put my daughter's shoes on, but by the time we get to the store she has them off.
My husband grabbed her out of the car and I grabbed the car seat with my son. We both forgot to put her shoes back on.
We are only human. I wasn't having my child outside without shoes on but for maybe a minute to be carried into the store.
The store is climate controlled, so she was just fine without the shoes on and she wasn't walking around on the floor.
She was riding in the basket. I might be getting a tad defensive, but I just couldn't believe the audacity that woman had to circle me twice so she could give me a glare.
Why is mom shaming so rampant?!
So, what did I do? I killed her with kindness. I gave her the biggest smile I could and carried on what I was doing.
I don't like spreading hate or unkindness, because then you are just as bad.
What experiences have you had with mom shaming, and how did you handle them? Please comment below and tell me.
Also, help me end mom shaming once and for all by sharing this article! The more moms that read it, the better the chance we have at stopping all the negativity from continuing.
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