Are you looking for a baby name inspired by Harry Potter? Look no further, we have the complete list of names for your baby girl or baby boy!

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Popular Gryffindor Names
Gryffindor, one of the four Hogwarts houses in the Harry Potter series, is known for producing some of the most courageous and heroic characters in the wizarding world. Here’s some of the most popular names!
1. Albus (Professor Albus Dumbledore)
Albus is Latin for white or bright. Albus Dumbledore is the head minister of Hogwarts. We all know him as the bright protector who does everything he can for the safety of his students.
2.Harry (Harry Potter)
Harry is German for power or ruler. Harry Potter is the main character who is orphaned as a baby and joined the Gryffindor house at Hogwarts. He ends up becoming one of the most powerful wizards.
3.Ron (Ron Weasley)
Ron is Scottish for ruler's counselor. Kind of perfect because he is Harry's right hand man and best friend.
4.Hermione (Hermione Granger)
Hermione is greek for well born or stone. We know her as the smartest witch in Hogwarts who is brave and kind.
Popular Ravenclaw Names
Ravenclaw is known for its wise and intelligent students, so it's no surprise that these offer some great baby name inspiration. Picking a first or middle name that is unique and creative for your little Ravenclaw!
5. Luna (Luna Lovegood)
In roman mythology, Luna was a moon Goddess. Luna is an eccentric witch at Hogwarts that sees things other's can't.
6. Cho (Cho Chang)
Cho is Japanese for butterfly or born at dawn. Cho was a member of Ravenclaw at Hogwarts who Harry and Cedric both liked.
7. Myrtle (Moaning Myrtle)
Myrtle is latin for an evergreen shrub. While Moaning Myrtle was out there, she was also extremely helpful and a character that didn't get enough credit.
8. Rowena (Rowena Ravenclaw)
Rowena is German for fame and happiness. Rowena Ravenclaw was the founder of the Ravenclaw house at Hogwarts.
Popular Slytherin Names
House Slytherin gets a bad rap, but don’t let that stop you from getting some baby name ideas! These characters are ambitious, cunning and resourceful.
9. Salazar (Salazar Slytherin)
Salazar is Spanish for old hall. Salazar Slytherin was the founder of the house of Slytherin at Hogwarts.
10. Bellatrix (Bellatrix Lestrange)
Bellatrix is a combination of Bella and Trixie and it means female warrior. Bellatrix Lestrange was a death eater and also Sirius Blacks cousin.
11. Severus (Severus Snape)
Severus is Latin for serious or stern. Quite fitting for Professor Snape who is just that, serious and very strict.
12. Draco (Draco Malfoy)
Draco is Greek for dragon or serpent. Fitting because Draco Malfoy is a Slytherin wizard and enemy to Harry for a long time. He, like Crabbe and Goyle, are called Malfoy instead of by his first name.
Popular Hufflepuff Names
13. Helga (Helga Hufflepuff)
Helga is Scandinavian for blessed or holy. Helga Hufflepuff was the founder of the Hufflepuff house at Hogwarts.
14. Cedric (Cedric Diggory)
Cedric is old English for kind and loved. Cedric Diggory was a member of Hufflepuff who was picked for the Tri-Wizard tournament as the student representing Hogwarts, only Harry was also chosen.
15. Alastor (Alastor Moody aka Mad Eye Moody)
Alastor is Scottish for defender of the people. Alastor "Mad Eye" Moody was also a defender and member of the Order of the Phoenix. Known as mad eye because of his glass eye.
16. Pomona (Professor Sprout)
Pomona is Latin for goddess of fruit. Professor Sprout was the head of Hufflepuff and also the professor who taught herbology.
Baby Girl Names inspired by Harry Potter
The Harry Potter Series has a bunch of strong and unique girl names for your daughter! This list is filled with enchanting names you could use as a first or middle name.
17. Ginny (Ginny Weasley)
Ginny means pure. From Harry Potter, Ginny is a kind-hearted sister to Ron who is in love with Harry.
18. Minerva (Professor Minerva McGonagall)
Minerva is Latin for intellectual. Kind of perfect for Professor McGonagall, but also a great baby name choice!
19. Lily (Lily Potter)
Lily means pure and innocent. We know her as Harry's deceased mom who like Hermione was muggle born.
20. Fleur (Fleur Delacour)
Fleur is French for flower. Fleur Delacour is one of the students from the Beauxbatons who has many of the Hogwarts boys' swooning for her beauty.
21. Gabrielle (Gabrielle Delacour- Fleur's little sister)
Gabrielle is French for "God is my strength". A fun nickname for her could be Gabi.
22. Parvati (Parvati Patil)
Parvati means daughter of the mountain. I mean this is an awesome baby name idea! Parvati Patil is a twin to Padma Patil, and a witch in Gryffindor.
23. Padma (Padma Patil)
Padma means lotus flower. Padma Patil is the twin to Parvati Patil, and she was in Ravenclaw.
24. Molly (Molly Weasley)
Molly is Irish for star of the sea. Molly Weasley was the matriarch of the Weasleys, but also made it her mission to care for Harry.
25. Poppy (Madam Pomfrey)
Poppy is Latin for red flower. Madam Pomfrey was the strict nurse who cared for Harry when he had to regrow a bone.
26. Irma (Madam Prince -librarian)
Irma is German for complete, universal, or world. Madam Irma Prince was the librarian at Hogwarts.
27. Hannah (Hannah Abbott)
Hannah is Hebrew for grace or favor. Hannah Abbott was a member of Hufflepuff, who was one of many angered by Harry being included in the Tri-Wizard Tournament.
28. Susan (Susan Bones)
Susan is Persian for lily flower. Susan Bones is a half-blood witch at Hufflepuff who lost many family members to Lord Voldemort.
29. Alicia (Alicia Spinnet)
Alicia means noble or exalted. Alicia Spinnet was a reserve chaser for Hogwarts quidditch team.
30. Katie (Katie Bell)
Katie is Greek for pure. Katie Bell was another Hogwarts quidditch chaser.
31. Angelina (Angelina Weasley- married to George Weasley)
Agnelina is Greek for angel or messenger. Angelina Johnson was a Gryffindor witch who later married George Weasley.
32. Olympe (Madme Maxime)
Olympe means from Mount Olympus. Madame Olympe Maxime is the headmistress for Beauxbatons Academy of Magic.
33. Milicent (Milicent Bulstrode)
Millicent is French for brave or strength. Milicent Bulstrode is a half-blood witch at Slytherin.
34. Rita (Rita Skeeter)
Rita is Spanish for pearl. Rita Skeeter was a reporter who liked to twist the stories of people she interviewed.
35. Eloise (Eloise Midgen)
Eloise is German for famous warrior. Eloise Midgen was a shy, but kind witch in Gryffindor.
36. Septima (Professor Septima Vector)
Septima is Latin for seventh. Professor Vector taught arithmancy, and was known for being strict.
37. Raven (shortened from Ravenclaw)
Raven is English for dark-haired. Inspired by one of the house names at Hogwarts, Raven is shortened and a great name idea.
38. Arabella (Mrs. Arabella Figg)
Arabella is Latin for answered prayer. Mrs. Arabella Figg is the Dursley's neighbor on Privet Drive.
39. Nymphadora (Nymphadora Tonks)
Nymphadora is a hybrid of Nymph and Theodora. Nymphs were mythological creatures who lived in forests. Nymphadora Tonks was one of the memberss in the order of the Phoenix.
40. Emmeline (Emmeline Vance)
Emmeline is German for hardworking. Emmeline Vance was another member of the order of the phoenix.
41. Amelia (Amelia Bones)
Amelia means industrious and striving. Amelia Bones was the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.
42. Sybil (Professor Sybil Trelawney)
Sybil is Green for prophetess or oracle. As we all know, this name is fitting for Professor Trelawney who is able to tell the future and teaches divination.
43. Sally (Sally Anne Perks)
Sally is Hebrew for princess. Sally Anne Perks isn't well-known, except that she was sorted by the sorting hat right before Harry Potter.
44. Rionach (Rionach O'neal)
Rionach is Irish for queenly. Rionach O'neal was a witch in Gryffindor who was good friends with Cho and Parvati.
45. Eileen (Eileen Snape- Professor Snape's mom)
Eileen is Scottish for bright shining one. Eileen Snape is most known as Professor Snape's mom.
46. Pandora (Pandora Lovegood- Luna Lovegood's mom)
Pandora is Greek for all gifted. Pandora Lovegood is Luna Lovegood's mom who died when one of her own spells backfired.
47. Pansy (Pansy Parkinson)
Pansy is English for thought, and it's also a type of flower. Pansy Parkinson was a witch at Slytherin who later became part of the inquisitorial squad created by Delores Umbridge.
48. Lavender (Lavender Brown)
Lavender is a type of flower, and also a purple color. Lavender Brown is a Gryffindor witch who is attacked by a werewolf named Fenrir Greyback.
49. Romilda (Romilda Vane)
Romilda is German for glorious battle maiden. Romilda Vane had a crush on Harry Potter and gave him a love potion, but Ron Weasley ended up taking it.
50. Leanne (Leanne)
Leanne is English for gracious or merciful. Leanne is a witch in Hufflepuff who was good friends with Katie Bell.
51. Penelope (Penelope Clearwater)
Penelope is Greek for weaver. A fun nickname could be Penny. Penelope Clearwater was a witch in Ravenclaw.
52. Wendy (Wendy Slinkhard)
Wendy is English for friend. Wendy Slinkhard was a witch at Hogwarts who was also a member of the Slug Club.
53. Charity (Professor Charity Burbage)
Charity is Latin for good will and love. Professor Burbage believed muggles weren't much different than wizards. This belief got her killed by Lord Voldemort.
54. Mary (Mary Cattermole)
Mary is Hebrew for beloved. Mary Cattermole was accused of stealing the half-blood prince's wand. Harry, Ron, and Hermione help rescue her before Delores can send her to Azkaban.
55. Helena (Helena Ravenclaw)
Helena is Green for shining light. Helena Ravenclaw was known as Grey Lady, and was a ghost at Hogwarts.
56. Ariana (Ariana Dumbledore)
Ariana is Greek, Hebrew and English for most holy. Ariana Dumbledore was Albus Dumbledore's sister.
57. Augusta (Augusta Longbottom - Neville Longbottom's Grandmother)
Augusta is Latin for great or magnificent. August Longbottom, Neville's Grandmother who took care of him after his parents' tragic deaths.
58. Marge (Harry's Aunt Marge)
Marge is Greek for pearl. Not a lot is known about Harry's Aunt Marge other than she was cruel to Harry and then he inflated her up in the air.
59. Petunia (Petunia Dursely)
Petunia is English for trumpet shaped flower. Petunia Dursley is Harry's Aunt and Sister to Lily Potter.
60. Delores (Delores Umbridge)
Delores is Spanish for lady of sorrows. We all know Delores Umbridge as the horrible lady, but there should definitely be a back story about how she became the way she did.
61. Narcissa (Narcissa Malfoy)
Narcissa is Greek for daffodil. Narcissa Malfoy is Married to Lucius and her sister is Bellatrix Lestrange.
62. Wilhelmina (Professor Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank)
Wilhelmina is German for resolute protection. Professor Grubbly-Plank was chosen by Delores Umbridge to replace Hagrid as the Professor for the care of magical creatures.
63. Aurora (Professor Aurora Sinistra)
Aurora is Latin for dawn. Professor Sinistra teaches astronomy and is known for the teacher who carried the petrified student to the hospital.
Harry Potter Boy Names
Here's a look at some more great boy names from Harry Potter that are unique and handsome. This list has wizard names, and also some muggles too!
64. James (James Potter)
James is Hebrew for one who follows. James Potter was Harry's father.
65. Fred (Fred Weasley)
Fred is German for peaceful warrior. Fred is a prankster and twin to George. He is also Ron's older brother.
66. George (George Weasley)
George is Greek for farmer. George, like Fred, is also a prankster who gets into all sorts of trouble.
67. Percy (Percy Weasley)
Percy is French for one who pieces the valley. Percy Weasley is one of Ron's older brothers who is studying dragons in Romania.
68. Arthur (Arthur Weasley)
Arthur is Celtic for bear. Arthur Weasley is the patriarch of the Weasley's. Not only is he a father of 7, he is a member of the order of the phoenix, and works at the Ministry of Magic.
69. Charles (Charles Weasley)
Charles is English for free man. Charles Weasley is the second oldest son of Molly and Arthur.
70. Bill (Bill Weasley)
Bill is English for resolute protector. Bill Weasley is the oldest Weasley boy. He joined the order of the phoenix where he met Fleur Delacour who he later married.
71. Sirius (Sirius Black)
Sirius is Greek for glowing. Sirius Black is Harry Potter's Godfather who is wrongly convicted of betraying Harry's parents.
72. Neville (Neville Longbottom)
Neville is French for new town. Neville Longbottom was another character that didn't get enough credit. He was actually very brave and helped the main characters quite a lot.
73. Seamus (Seamus Finnigan)
Seamus is Irish for one who follows. Seamus Finnigan is a Gryffindor wizard who is friends with Ron, Harry, and Dean.
74. Dean (Dean Thomas)
Dean is English for valley. Dean Thomas is a fellow Gryffindor and friend of Harry, Ron, and Seamus.
75. Amos (Amos Diggory)
Amos is Hebrew for born of God or to carry. Amos is Cedric's father and also works at the Ministry of Magic.
76. Viktor (Viktor Krum)
Viktor is Latin for conqueror or champion. Viktor Krum is a contestant in the Tri-Wizard tournament for Durmstrang Institute. He is also a famous Bulgarian Quidditch seeker.
77. Cornelius (Cornelius Fudge)
Cornelius is Irish for strong willed or wise. Cornelius Fudge is the Minister of Magic, but his wisdom soon fades when he lets Delores Umbridge take over as Headmistress to Hogwarts.
78. Igor (Igor Karkaroff)
Igor is Russian for warrior of peace. Igor Karkaroff is the head minister of Durmstrang Institute.
79. Colin (Colin Creevey)
Colin is Scottish for young creature. Colin Creevey was a young Gryffindor who was a big fan of Harry, and was petrified while still holding his camera.
80. Oliver (Oliver Wood)
Oliver is Latin for olive tree. A fun nickname could be Ollie. Oliver Wood was the captain for the Gryffindor quidditch team.
81. Filius (Professor Filius Flitwick)
Filius is Latin for son or heir. Professor Flitwick is the charms master and head of Ravenclaw.
82. Armando (Professor Armando Dippet)
Armando is Spanish for army man. Professor Dippet was the head master of Hogwarts before Dumbledore.
83. Nick (Nearly Headless Nick)
Nick is Greek for victory of the people. Nearly headless Nick is a ghost at Hogwarts.
84. Stanley (Stanley Shunpike)
Stanley is old English for stone. Stanley Shunpike was the conductor and ticket master for the double decker bus in the Prisoner of Azkaban.
85. Ernie (Ernie the bus driver in Prisoner of Azkaban)
Ernie is German for serious or battle to the death. The way Ernie drives that double decker bus is certainly a battle to the death, in my opinion.
86. Remus (Professor Remus Lupin)
Remus is Latin for oar. Professor Lupin is a werewolf and teaches Defense against the dark arts at Hogwarts.
87. Elphias (Elphias Doge)
Elphias is German for eager for war. Elphias Doge is friends if Dumbledore, and also a juror for the Ministry of Magic.
88. Kingsley (Kinglsey Shacklebolt)
Kingsley is English for king's meadow. Kingsley Shacklebolt works for the Ministry of Magic, and later joined the Order of the Phoenix to fight Lord Voldemort.
89. John (John Dawlish)
John is Hebrew for graced by God. John Dawlish is an Auror and became Cornelius Fudge's right hand man.
90. Cassius (Cassius Warrington)
Cassius is Latin for the helmeted warrior. Cassius Warrington was a Slytherin student who later joined the inquisitorial squad created by Delores Umbridge.
91. Edgar (Edgar Bones)
Edgar is old English for wealthy spearman. Edgar Bones was a member of the first order of the phoenix, and was killed by Reinhard Lestrange.
92. Phineas (Phineas Black)
Phineas is Hebrew for oracle. Phineas Black was Sirius Black's Great Great Grandfather.
93. Xenophilius (Xenophilius Lovegood)
Xenophilius is a combination of two words that ultimately means strange love. Xenophilius Lovegood is Luna's father and editor to the Quibbler magazine.
94. Cormac (Cormac Mclaggen)
Cormac is Gaelic for crow or raven. Cormac Mclaggen was a Gryffindor wizard, and reserve keeper for their quidditch team.
95. Cuthbert (Professor Cuthbert Binns)
Cuthbert is English for famous or well-known. Professor Binns ironically was well-known for being quite boring.
96. Godric (Godric Gryffindor)
Godric is Anglo-Saxon for God-ruler. Godric Gryffindor was the founder of the house of Gryffindor at Hogwarts.
97. Horace (Professor Horace Slughorn)
Horace is Latin for man of time. Professor Slughorn was a potions master at Hogwarts.
98. Rufus (Rufus Scrimgeour)
Rufus is Latin for red-haired. Rufus Scrimgeour replaced Cornelius Fudge as the Minister of Magic, and was just as nefarious as Delores Umbridge.
99. Gilderoy (Professor Gilderoy Lockhart)
Gilderoy is Scottish for the red head. Professor Lockhart taught Defense against the dark arts, and used the Obliviate memory charm to steal other people's ideas.
100. Quirinus (Professor Quirinius Quirrel)
Quirinus is the Roman God of thunder and lightning. Professor Quirrel wasn't exactly thunderous, quite the opposite in fact. He was shy, stuttered, and had Voldemort's face attached to the back of his head.
101. Argus (Argus Filch)
Argus is Green for bright and all seeing. Argus Filch was the caretaker of Hogwarts and was almost always seen with his cat.
102. Dudley (Dudley Dursley)
Dudley is English for from the people's meadow. The Dudley Dursley we know was a spoiled brat who was rude to his cousin Harry Potter.
103. Vernon (Vernon Dursley)
Vernon is English for alder tree. Vernon Dursley was Harry Potter's uncle, and very mean as well.
104. Vincent (Vincent Crabbe)
Vincent is Latin for conquering. He is called Crabbe by Draco Malfoy, and known for picking fights with Harry, Ron and Hermione.
105. Gregory (Gregory Goyle)
Gregory is Greek for watchful or alert. Gregory Goyle is called Goyle, and is another best friend to Draco and Crabbe.
106. Lucius (Lucius Malfoy)
Lucius is Latin for light. Lucius Malfoy is Draco's father, and becomes a death eater.
107. Peter (Peter Pettigrew)
Peter is Greek for rock or stone. Peter Pettigrew is one of Lily and James Potter's friends who ends up betraying them and then turning himself into a rat.
108. Barty (Barty Crouch)
Barty is Aramaic for intelligent or wise. Barty Crouch Sr. was a ministry of magic member, and his son Barty Crouch Jr. used a polyjuice potion to disguise himself as Mad Eye Moody.
109. Tom (Tom Riddle)
Tom is Hebrew for innocence or purity. Ironically, Tom Riddle later became Lord Voldemort, Harry Potter's arch enemy.
Gender Neutral Harry Potter Names
Here's some of the best gender neutral baby names inspired by Harry Potter.
110. Phoenix (bird that rises from the ashes)
Phoenix is an immortal bird in Greek mythology. This baby name is inspired by the Phonix that rose from the ashes to help Harry.
111. Rubeus (Rubeus Hagrid)
Rubeus is Latin for red. Rubeus Hagrid is known for his collection of strange creatures. He also has a fondness for Harry, Ron, and Hermione.
112. Lee (Lee Jordan)
Lee is old English for meadow. Lee Jordan is a Gryffindor prankster and friend to Fred and George Weasley.
113. Blaise (Blaise Zabini)
Blaise is Latin for lisp or stutter. Blaise Zabini was a Slytherin wizard who joined up with Malfoy.
114. Orion (Orion Black - Sirius Black's father)
In Greek mythology, Orion was a mighty hunter. Orion Black was Sirius Black's father who felt strongly about wizard blood purity. A thought which Sirius did not echo.
115. Credence (Credence Dumbledore)
Latin for belief or faith. Credence is somehow related to Albus Dumbledore, in the Harry Potter spin off Fantastic Beasts.
Harry Potter Baby Gear
Here are a few fun baby gear items to get that future Harry Potter fan.
- Harry Potter Swaddle Blankets (Made by Aden & Anais, these swaddle blankets are amazing and perfect for all kinds of temperatures.)
- Harry Potter baby bibs
- Harry Potter Baby Clothes
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