Have you reached the third trimester and feel the need to get things ready? Perhaps you are cleaning more than you normally do?

That's when you know nesting has started!
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What is nesting during pregnancy?
To answer simply, it is when you feel the uncontrollable urge to stay around your house and get things completely prepared for baby.
It can range from wanting to clean and organize, to setting up furniture, and beyond.
When does nesting start?
Nesting usually starts around the third trimester, but some moms have even experienced in late in their second trimester.
Signs you might be nesting
- Wanting to wash, fold, hang, and organize all of your baby's clothes.
- A strong urge to hand mop the floors of your home, out of the blue.
- Dusting every inch of your home, even when it "appears to be fine".
- Wanting to vacuum, and shampoo the carpets of your home, probably twice!
- All those boxes of unopened baby stuff physically make your stomach turn, they need to be opened!
- Organizing the nursery for the fourth or fifth time, just because.
The list could go on forever, but if you are starting to stress about every little detail, that's nesting!
Nesting FAQ
This tends to happen during your third trimester, but can also last a few months before going into labor. It's like your body's way of telling you things are going to start happening.
That being said, it's not a surefire sign that labor is coming. With my first, I was nesting from 37 weeks on, and I had to have an induction around 39 weeks due to some complications, so it wasn't a sign of labor for me.
You might start experiencing the urge to clean and prep as early as your second trimester, but usually it's not until the third trimester that this ramps up.
It feels like a burst of energy that lasts sometimes days, sometimes weeks where you want to start cleaning, organizing or getting all the last minute things done on your to do list before you have baby.
There's no scientific cause known for why this happens, but ultimately it's your time to start getting prepared.
Nesting Checklist
If you start feeling the nesting urges of pregnancy, how can you make the most of it? Well, it's important to be methodical so you don't end up cleaning the same thing three or four different times when, you still have so much other things to get done.
That's why I like checklists! Not only can you see what you have done, but you know what still needs to be done. Sign up below and we will email it directly to you!
Download your printable pregnancy to do list
Nesting when pregnant Activities
Pack Your Hospital Bag
One great idea for nesting during pregnancy would be to prepare your hospital bag, if you haven't already done so!
Scrambling around last minute while you are in labor or told to go to the hospital will leave you unprepared and without all the essentials you will want to have.
Also, take a minute to pack a bag for your husband or significant other.
You can read all about what should be in your hospital bag checklist here (there's also a free printable)!
Create a birth plan
If you haven't already done so, while you have a lot of energy, use our birth plan template. This can be a great thing to bring with you so your doctors know what your wishes are.
Put the Finishing Touches on the Nursery
Another idea for nesting during pregnacy is to finish the nursery. Do you still need that last piece of furniture, or a fun wall decal?
Head over to your closest baby store or start some online shopping!
This is by far one of the funner aspects to nesting, but just as important to feeling prepared.
Wash Baby Clothes
Whether this is your first or not, you should also wash all of baby's clothes/blankets/sheets preferrably in a gentle detergent.
A newborn's skin is super sensitve so washing things ahead time can ensure that they are ready for when you bring baby home.
This also helps prevent baby from getting a rash on any unwashed fabrics that might irritate his/her skin.
Baby Proof Your House
Baby proofing is also an excellent thing to start doing when you are nesting during pregnancy.
This is important for the safety of your baby, but also your own sanity!
Now, don't get overwhelmed if you don't get everything baby proofed, but a few things that should be done right away are baby gates and outlet protectors.
See related content: Baby Proofing Your Home
Deep Clean Your house
Another great idea for when you start nesting during pregnancy would be to deep clean your house, and in particular certain areas.
Take this time to really get your floors cleaned and carpets shampooed.
This is going to the one place that your baby is going to be crawling on (later), and spending a lot of time on.
If you still have that nesting urge after your floors are looking good, take the time to really deep clean living areas that guests are going to be in, because people will want to visit!
Don't worry though, nobody is expecting it to look perfect...so you can stop stressing. 😉
Freezer Meal Prep
You will thank yourself for this later because it makes life easier when you get home from the hospital.
Find some great freezer meals that you can make ahead and only need to be baked or thrown in the crockpot.
Now, you are ready for nesting during pregnancy! Wishing you all the best on your final stretch of pregnancy!! 🙂
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