Laundry is something that will never end, which is why we created this short list of hacks to help moms spend less time folding and washing.

Time Saving Laundry Hacks
1. Mesh laundry bags
Use a mesh laundry bag for kids' socks so that you don't have to fish them all out and try to find the matches.
2. Store Unused Hangers in laundry room
Store all your unused hangers in the laundry room so that you can quickly and easily hang up clothes as soon as they are out of the dryer.
3. Store laundry pods in clear storage drawers
These clear storage drawers are much easier to quickly open than a tide pods container and you can easily see which one you need.
4. Don't sort kids laundry
When it comes to washing your kids' laundry, don't worry about sorting based on color. Unless they are brand new jeans, most colors won't bleed so just wash them all together.
5. Add clean dry towel to dryer
Another little-known hack is to add a clean dry towel to your dryer to help dry your clothes faster. The towel will help absorb some of the moisture, meaning less time the dryer has to be on.
6. Add ice to dryer for wrinkles
One of the quickest ways to remove wrinkles in clothes that have sat in the dryer for too long is to add a few cubes of ice.
More laundry tips
7. Fold your clothes right away
It's easy to stuff the clean laundry in a basket or on your countertop, I've been there. Unfortunately, the mentality of folding them later ends up being not at all.
8. Listen to music or watch a movie while you fold
If you have a mountain of clothes that need to be folded, blast some of your favorite music while you fold. Or find a movie on Netflix to watch while you fold, the clothes will get done a lot quicker!
9. Never leave empty laundry basket in laundry room
It can quickly become the catch all. I don't know how many times I've left a laundry basket in there, and then just threw clothes in the basket instead of starting the laundry right away.
10. Use a rope basket to hold lint trash
Instead of using an eye sore trash can, we like to use this rope basket. Does the same thing, but looks 1000 times better!
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