Have you ever heard the term rainbow baby, and wonder what it means?
Well, a rainbow baby is a baby that someone had after a miscarriage or pregnancy loss.
Pregnancy after Miscarriage
Carrying your rainbow baby after a miscarriage, will be nerve-wracking. If you didn't have anxiety before, you might now.
Both of my children rainbow babies, and I was scared for a long time. I waited to tell anyone besides my husband that I was pregnant, because I didn't want to lose another baby and have to go through telling family we lost another.
Related: Realistic guide to coping with a miscarriage
Pregnancy after Stillbirth
A loss is a loss, but I've never experienced pregnancy after a stillborn. I can only imagine it would make that pregnancy very scary up until you hold your baby and the doctors tell you everything is good.
When is national rainbow baby day?
National rainbow baby day is August 22, and it honors just how special rainbow babies are.
It's a day that can bring hope to many parents who have experienced loss, and don't know if or when their rainbow baby will come.
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