Are you getting over the heartbreak of your life? Sometime the best medicine is music. These Taylor Swift songs will help you feel seen and get you through this break up!

Songs to help you get over your break up
1. You're Not sorry
For the days where you are regretting your choice or just missing your ex, this song is the perfect pick me up. Fair warning though, it will probably make you want to cry.
2. Better Man (Taylor's version)
This is another song for when you are missing your ex. It's a great one to listen to when you are trying to heal your broken heart.
3. Begin Again
This song will give you hope for the future. It will remind you that eventually you will find someone else.
4. Mr. Perfectly Fine
Mr. Perfectly Fine is a great song for when you are needing an upbeat song to help you stay motivated and inspired about the life ahead of you.
5. It's time to go
This song is a great one for when you are reminiscing of the old memories and are feeling overwhelmed. It's also a great song to listen to at the beginning of your breakup.
6. I forgot that you Existed
This song is another song for later on in your break up and has an upbeat vibe. It's a song that helps you see your future will be alright.
7. The Civil Wars
This sad song is perfect for when you need a good cry, and let's be honest we all do from time to time.
8. We are never ever getting back together
The title speaks for itself, but definitely one you need on your breakup playlist. Especially if you keep finding yourself wanting to get back with your toxic ex.
9. My Tears Ricochet
Another sad and emotional song that's great for those days you just need to cry.
10. Fifteen
This older song from Taylor Swift is great if you are getting over a very long relationship especially if you were dating from a young age.
11. Dear John
This song is a great one for remembering why you and your ex were better off apart.
12. Exile
An important song to listen to in the beginning of a breakup. Bon Iver and Taylor Swift give two point of views of a breakup which is really healing to a broken heart.
13. Getaway Car
This upbeat song is another uplifting and motivating song to get you through the days where you feel like you are paralyzed.
14. Breathe
This song is another good song especially for the rough first days after your breakup. It will make you feel seen when you are going through that phase where you are lost and just trying to figure out what life is going to be like.
Whether you end up watching the music videos or just listening to the audio, these songs are the perfect way to let off some steam.
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