Working from home has a lot of perks, but one challenge is staying active.
It's easy to sit at your desk all day, or more realistically chill on your couch with your laptop.
For some of us, (I'm guilty) we end up getting the freshmen fifteen only it's not college, just working from home.
So, what's the best way to stay active while working from home?
Ways to stay active
1.Trade in your office chair for a yoga ball.
Sitting on a yoga ball forces you to keep yourself balanced and thus helps you burn calories while working on your desktop.
2. Utilize talk to text while working out
Another way I started being more proactive is to use the time I am working out to brainstorm or write emails. Using the talk to text feature eliminates the need to type so I can get more done.
3. Schedule a time to work out
Working from home means we get to be the master of our schedules, but this also means we need to be more proactive about making the time to work out.
I like to workout early in the morning so that way I can get it done, and on to the next thing.
4. Wear a fitbit
A fitbit smart watch is great because they have a feature that will remind you to get your steps in.
Every hour, it will give you a notification to get up and get those steps. Seriously, this has been a GAME CHANGER.
5. Use a more versatile desk
Did you know they make standing desks and they also make cycling desks.
I'm saving my pennies for this cycling desk, because how cool is it?!
Best Exercises to do at home
- Walking
- Stairs ( if you have them)
- jumping jacks
- push ups
- fun workout video on youtube
How to stay active while working a desk job?
Make a point to get up and walk around, or use a standing desk or cycling desk.
Do you work from home? How do you stay active? Leave a comment below!
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