Motherhood is filled with unknowns. We are constantly trying to do the right thing for our kids and ourselves, while also questioning everything we are doing. Is it good enough? Should I have reacted differently? What if I'm not good enough of a mom?
This anxiety during motherhood is what makes being a mom so hard. This is why I wanted to share a few tips with you for overcoming anxiety as a mom.
Tips to stop your Anxiety
1. Routines are great but flexibility is better. Practice being more flexible when things don't go as planned.
You will learn quickly that being a parent is filled with obstacles and events you never imagined.
2. Accept the things you can't change. There will be many times where you wish you could change something, but sometimes that's just not an option.
3. Find distractions for the times you are anxious. Turn on your favorite music or listen to a podcast. Find something to help you find your happiness again.
Soaking in a warm bath is one of my favorite options as well as going outside for a walk.
4. Five second rule those anxious thoughts. Give yourself 5 seconds to dwell on whatever thought it is that is causing your anxiety, then move on.
5. Do not compare yourself to other moms. We are all in different stages of life. While instagram is a fun social media app, it can be a platform that causes a lot of comparisons.
Follow people that inspire you or make you feel good, and unfollow the those that don't.
Also remember that most people only share the glamorized or pretty parts of their life, and that is only a fraction of what life is really like.
6. Read books on coping with anxiety.
Before I ever had kids, I knew I had anxiety. It wasn't until I had kids though that I finally started reading books about coping with anxiety.
They really help you understand that so many other people in the world also go through anxiety.
Related: 5 Helpful books to read if you have Social Anxiety
Whats triggering your anxiety?
It can also help to know what triggers your anxiety so you can avoid getting anxious altogether.
Possible triggers include:
- Lack of sleep
- Feeling alone
- questions about parenting
- mom guilt
- nothing got done that you wanted to
- social media comparison
To help avoid these triggers make sure you are getting enough sleep, ask for help, make time to have conversations with friends, talk to your pediatrician about any concerns, and remember you are never alone. You simply need to ask for help!
Please also know that it's okay to ask for help. If your anxiety is becoming so overwhelming that you can't function or find daily life challenging, talk to your doctor.
Sometimes there is just a chemical imbalance that needs to be fixed, and it will get you to feeling 1000 times better.
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