Heres's som refreshingly honest marriage advice for newlyweds. This is the stuff I wish they told me!
Meaningful Marriage advice
I mean if mind reading were a super power, I would definitely want it. Until that happens, communication is one of the most important things in marriage.
Talk to your spouse, and be honest. If something is bothering you, tell them.
2. Talk over your living arrangements before the wedding.
If you aren't living together, someone will end up moving or both of you depending on what you decide.
Just make sure to talk things over first so you aren't blind sighted on what they had planned.
Related: 12 things you need to do when you move
3. Make time for your spouse
Everyone lives busy lives, and it's easy to get lost in routines. Go out of your way to do something nice for your spouse or ask them about their day.
4. No phone time
We are all glued to our phones, I get it. Find time though once a day where you put the phones away.
Don't worry your instagram notifications will still be there when you get back.
5. Weekly date night
Another important thing is to still date your spouse. Yes you are married, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't still go on dates with them.
Even if the date is at home with Netflix, but get all dressed up and have fun.
6. Arguing doesn't mean you are destined for divorce.
As a child of divorce, every time me and my husband got into disagreements, I just assumed it would end in a divorce.
Getting used to someone and all their little quirks is going to take time.
If anything though, arguing is good because it means you are communicating. Holding it in will just breed resentment.
7. Marriage is work.
If you've ever watched a rom-com or tv show, the picture of married bliss seems amazing! For the first couple of years, it might be this way.
Just remember that marriage is going to take work. You both will grow and become better people together, but it's not without its challenges.
Wishing you a lifetime of happiness!
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